I built this website using serveral resources such as skill share classes by Kalob Taulien
and a book called "Learning Web Design" by Jennifer Niederst Robbins. The site uses
NES.CSS which is a CSS frame work and Flexbox grid which is a grid system based on the flex
display property. Flexbox grid is also very similar to bootstrap since it uses the conventions for
breakpoint in columns and rows.I have also provided links to the resouces down below for use.
Tools used: HTML 5, CSS 3, VS Code, NES.CSS, Flexbox grid, GitHub pages
Member of a 4-person team that won best hardware project for
developing a capacity assistant that would record the amount of people
entering and leaving a building and then update a website in real time.
The project was constrained to 36 hours and used a raspberry pi 3 to measure
the amount of people and to host the website. Responsible for helping develop
the website by using python CGI and Apache 2.
Tools used: Apache, CGI, HTML, Python, Raspberry Pi 3
During my free time I wanted to improve my python skills since there
wasn't many courses taught in Python at my school. I started by learning the
fundamentals of python by reading "Python Crash Course" by Eric Matthes and completing
all the excercises and the data Visualization project it came with. Most of my progress can be
tracked through the github link below along with Eric's website for reference.
Tools used: VSCODE, Git, GitHub, Python 3
Member of a 4-person team that developed devices that will prevent
the collisions of low-speed personal vehicles. The devices use a collision
detection algorithm to use their location and velocity to calculate the time
to collision from one device to the other. The devices communicate with each
other by sending and receiving their location and velocity wirelessly through
ESP- NOW. Personally, responsible for developing the communication aspect by
using ESP-32’s own communication protocol and developed a 150-line C
communication program that was integrated with other features.
Tools used: C, ESP-32, GPS-module, Arduimo IDE
Member of a 3-person team that designed and implemented a simple process scheduling
operating system by using a special development operating environment called SPEDE. The
operating system ran on Intel’s x86 CPU architecture where a MS DOS based environment was used
for testing and Ubuntu Linux was used for development. These environments were run on a virtual
machine due to the global pandemic. Topics covered and implemented in our operating system are
the Kernel, Processes, and Interprocess Communication. The operating system used its own api
and was programmed in C and inline assembly.
Tools Used: Ubuntu Linux, MS-DOS, VSCODE, C, Assembly, SPEDE, Virtual Machines
Designed 0.18um chips (NAND, Inverter, and Ring Oscillator) that use CMOS and VLSI
concepts, methodologies, and techniques. The project had requirements such as midpoint
voltage values, rise, and fall time values while following the design rules of the
CMOS process. The chips were tested and validated by going through and DRC and LVS
chip layout verification.
Tools used: Cadence Virtouso, PSpice, remote desktop
Formed a SQL database based on the relational and ER diagrams provided by the
professor. Made sure to follow the constraints from the diagram and to populate
the database for testing purposes. MySQL 5.6 was used when creating this database.
Tools used: Putty, SQL
Led a two-person team through the design, development, and implementation
phases of a 16-bit microprocessor with a 5-stage pipeline. The processor
specifications were based on the professor’s criteria but followed MIPS
format as a reference. Behavioral and combinational modeling in Verilog
was used in the design of the processor’s components.
Tools used: Verilog, MobaXterm, Synopsis VCS
Developed a solar tracker for a class final project with a team of 3. The final
project was planned to take 5 weeks, but the CA fires disrupted the time set.
The team finished in a record 3 weeks, meeting a tight schedule by ramping up
meetings and delivery of code. Personally, built the foundation for the solar
tracker and wrote a 40-line C script on a parallax board that was designed to
detect light and rotate the servos from east to west depending on the sun light
level. Convinced the team that we could streamline the development by using
Bitbucket to manage our code and Slack to collaborate and communicate changes
and updates with team members working remotely.
Tools used: C, Python, RPI 3, Paralax Propellor Board, Solar panels, servo motor